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Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant


Pollock-Krasner grants have enabled artists to create new work, purchase needed materials and pay for studio rent, as well as their personal expenses. Past recipients of Pollock-Krasner grants acknowledge their critical impact in allowing concentrated time for studio work, and in preparing for exhibitions and other professional opportunities such as accepting a residency.

The Foundation welcomes, throughout the year, applications from visual artists who are painters, sculptors and artists who work on paper, including printmakers. There are no deadlines. Grants are intended for a one-year period of time. The Foundation will review expenditures relating to an artist's professional work and personal expenses and amounts range up to $50,000. The size of the grant is determined by the individual circumstances of the artist. Professional exhibition history will be taken into consideration. Artists must be actively exhibiting their current work in professional artistic venues, such as gallery and museum spaces.

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Creating or growing your own venture can be a scary task — a task that often requires funding. It’s common when looking for funding to turn to banks and investors, but what if there was another option?

An option that has no cost.

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