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General Operation Support for Artists


General Operating Support for Artists provides grants for artists to work toward larger, self-identified goals in their art practice. This funding is unrestricted, meaning artists can use the funds to support their goals however they need. This program includes a cohort community of current grantees, with meetings and learning opportunities that are focused on the grantees’ needs. Each year, three artists will be selected for this program, for a total of nine artists receiving yearly grants at any given time. $6,000 per year, for three years.

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Don’t wait any longer! Easily apply for this grant to receive funds that are meant for you.

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How to apply for grants?

Creating or growing your own venture can be a scary task — a task that often requires funding. It’s common when looking for funding to turn to banks and investors, but what if there was another option?

An option that has no cost.

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