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Freed Fellowship

$500 - $2500

The Freed Fellowship Grant is a monthly $500 award given to a business owner in the US to invest in their existing business, with no strings attached and no equity required. Each grant submission is reviewed against the 5C Framework, which analyzes five key components crucial for business success: Context (why the market is favorable), Content (the compelling core narrative), Community (the community found or created), Chemistry (the unique special sauce), and Commerce (how money is made). Applicants receive feedback in the form of an overall Freed score and recommendations for business growth based on the review. Additionally, applicants receive two months of free mentoring in the virtual community, the Freed Studio. This safe and supportive space allows ambitious business owners to identify and implement the practices, processes, and systems needed for sustainable growth to reach their first (or next) $1 million in revenue. Grant recipients are also eligible for an additional end-of-year grant of $2,500.

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Don’t wait any longer! Easily apply for this grant to receive funds that are meant for you.

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How to apply for grants?

Creating or growing your own venture can be a scary task — a task that often requires funding. It’s common when looking for funding to turn to banks and investors, but what if there was another option?

An option that has no cost.

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