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Fast Break for Small Business Grant


We’ve partnered with the NBA, WNBA, and NBA G League to offer $3 million in grant funding and services to small business owners and emerging entrepreneurs. Now in its third season, Fast Break for Small Business is the largest grant program for small business owners. The program aims to assist business owners with the tools and resources they need to start and grow their businesses—the perfect play. This opportunity is designed to support both established and budding business ventures with the most significant distribution of funding for small business owners in recent years.* Simply put, it’s a slam dunk for your small business. Apply today for your chance at a $10,000 small business grant and/or up to $500 in LegalZoom products and services. Grant applications close on September 13, 2024 at 8 p.m. ET.

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Don’t wait any longer! Easily apply for this grant to receive funds that are meant for you.

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How to apply for grants?

Creating or growing your own venture can be a scary task — a task that often requires funding. It’s common when looking for funding to turn to banks and investors, but what if there was another option?

An option that has no cost.

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